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Redesign Your Break Room To Fully Recharge Your Employees

Redesign Your Break Room To Fully Recharge Your Employees

Productivity is every business’ primary goal, but do you know that the ideal way to boost productivity is by encouraging your employees to take breaks? It might sound counter-intuitive to consider taking breaks to increase productivity. However, when you think about it, a tired or physically- and mentally-drained employee will struggle with being productive.

Hence, whether you are redesigning or designing your office space, break rooms should not be an afterthought. After all, in modern times like this, where most employees have gotten used to a laid-back, relaxed vibe of working from home, it is more necessary than ever. Break rooms provide employees with a space for relaxing, collaborating, and recharging whenever they need to throughout the day. When considered a crucial element in the office space interior design, they can lead to a boost in productivity, engagement, and morale.

How break rooms increase productivity

Everybody needs to take a break every now and then. Not only does it promote healthy ergonomics in the workplace, especially for those who spend extended hours sitting in front of their desk, but it also promotes mental health benefits. Overstressed and overworked employees are at a higher risk of burning out, which is the sole factor in the decrease in productivity.

Even if your employees enjoy what they are doing, they need a space to take their minds off work in order to be fully recharged and productive when they resume work. Studies have shown that taking breaks, whether short or long, reduces employee burnout significantly. Break rooms provide a space for such breaks, and in order to maximise their benefits, you need to ensure that it is designed for optimal benefit.

Creating such a space where employees are able to decompress and destress opens up opportunities to socialise with their colleagues and “escape” work duties. Happy employees mean a productive company. So, what constitutes an ideal break room design?

Versatile, comfortable seating

An ideal break room design has to be comfortable to encourage employees to utilise it fully. We highly recommend you invest in cosy seating, such as couches, coffee tables, and sofas, if you genuinely want to create a space where your employees can break away from work and truly relax. Even better if you can source flexible, varied seating that can easily be arranged, connected, or disconnected to allow for group and individual seating.

Café-style design

As mentioned earlier, break rooms are a great space for employees to gather over lunch. So, why not incorporate a café-style design? Everybody likes going to cafés during the weekend. Hence, doing so makes the space more inviting, encouraging employees to gather, catch up, and even brainstorm and discuss project ideas over a cup of coffee. They can even use it for various purposes, such as having a team huddle or meeting clients.

Game tables and other entertainment options and décor

Break rooms are supposed to be what they are described as – giving employees a break from activities or tasks that demand total concentration. One of the critical ways of approaching break room designs is to select a colour palette that stands out from the rest of the office. You want to let your employees know that this is a space that separates work and relaxation, that when they step foot into that space, they are to relax fully and not think about work.

You can encourage them to blow off steam or let loose by including fun recreational elements, such as game tables, board games, or activity stations that foster camaraderie and a time of friendly competition. Fun spaces can help to recharge their batteries and boost their creativity. You can also invigorate the space by including splashes of bright colours, using wall art, bringing in natural lights, and incorporating green and natural elements to lighten up the atmosphere.

Socially distanced and adaptable spaces

In a post-covid world where safety is a primary concern when it comes to office design, you need to consider an adequate amount of space to move around comfortably and select furniture that is easy to maintain and sanitise. Similar to the first point, you would want a space that is highly adaptable to whatever needs your employees has. Supposedly they choose to have a team meeting in the break room; they are able to move around furniture to accommodate their needs seamlessly.


Your break room should be inclusive to every employee. Hence, it is crucial to consider each employee’s needs and inputs when redesigning or designing your break room. When your employees know that their needs are met, you will find that you have more productive, happier employees who feel valued by the company.

While you may be an expert in your industry, you might not be as experienced in office design. Hence, you might set yourself up for trouble unless you seek help from an office interior design company in Singapore. A poorly designed break room leads to lowered morale and productivity.

Let OSCA Asia help you design the ideal break room for your office so that your company can reap the benefits of high productivity. Contact us to find out how we can help you achieve the perfect working environment for your break room and office space today!

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